11 Effective Skin Care Tips For Winter Season

Skincare in Winter SeasonSkincare in Winter Season

We all like winter season, the chilled weather, and drizzling snow, and of course dry skin. Dry skin especially during winters, bothers every one. During winters our skin is dry, scaly, redness, rash, irritated and unhydrated.   With little care and efforts , we can make our skin moisturized and glowing during winters as well.

Effective winter skin care tips:

Bath with lukewarm water:

During winters we always bath with hot water, but that’s the mistake we all make. Bath with luke warm water, because taking bath with hot water, removes the natural oil from the body and hence prevents moisture which makes your skin dry and scaly

Moisturise all the time:

Immediately after your bath, or whenever you wash, wipe your skin moisturiser, cold cream or body lotion.Within 5 min of taking bath, apply moisturizer or skincare cream as soon as possible. If you don’t have the right one, you can find the quality skin care range online at RM365.

Take care of skin during night times:

At night our body gets relaxed and that is the right time to apply cold creams to your skin. Skin absorbs the creams and preserves to hydrate the skin at the most.

Choose a lotion with SPF:

During winter season, sun is damaging, and makes our skin pale and dry. So always choose the lotion, with SPF. It is important, your lotion, must protect your skin from winter as well as sun UV rays.

Take care of your hair:

  • During winter, a little care to hair is to be taken.
  • Do not wash your hair with hot water.
  • End up the bath with conditioners.
  • During winter, dandruff is the common problem.
  • Avoid it, by applying lemon with oil.

Cover yourself:

While going out, cover your body, with gloves, cap, scarf and spectacles. At night time, do not forget to wear, sweater or shawl.

Go for oil therapy:

Apply coconut or olive oil, to the body, before bath. Leave it for 20 min and bath with mild soap. Drop few drops of oil in the water and take a moisturised bath.

Drink lots of water:

Drink water as much as you can. Because, during winter season, we drink hot cup of coffees, tea, etc., but avoid water. This mistake must be avoid and drink water, so that skin gets hydrated internally as well.

Eat watery fruits and vegetables: eat cucumbers and watermelons, to the maximum. Because these contain 80% of water, which hydrates your skin internally

Moisturizing mask:

People now are choosing natural home mask rather than harsh chemicals. Prepare this home mask at home and apply

Papaya winter face mask:


  • Papaya: ½
  • Olive oil: 2 tsp

How to prepare?

  • Take ½ of the raw papaya
  • Peel off and make the paste of it
  • Add some olive oil and mix it
  • Apply on the face and leave it for 20 min
  • Wash off with lukewarm water
  • Do this twice a week

Winter chocolate face mask:

Cocoa contains flavanol and antioxidants, which fights free radicals. It contains vitamin A, D, E, which fights form UV rays, promotes skin hydration and increases skin cells production.


  • Cocoa: 1/3 cup
  • Honey: ¼ cup
  • Oats: 3 tsp
  • Yogurt: 2 tbsp

How to prepare?

  • Take all the ingredients and mix well
  • Wash your face
  • Apply it and leave it for 20 min
  • Wash off with lukewarm water
Girlicious Beauty: Girlicious Beauty is a stylish portal for Women - aims at providing beauty, health & wellness tips. This portal will helps to improve their beauty, to gain more health & welness awareness. These will definity boost womens confidence.
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